Looking for Coaching Seminars?

Information related to coaching and officiating can be located on the USA Hockey officiating website pages. All USA Hockey Officials must attend a seminar each season to complete their registration.

Below please find a list of local in-state and out-of-state locations from within the USA Hockey Courses System catalog of seminars in the area.  Please note, that some seminars are hosted "in-person" and other seminars are hosted in virtual classrooms. Additionally, due to the current COVID-19 travel restrictions in place, seminars in ME and NH have been provided. If you choose to travel to RI or MA for seminars, please be sure to adhere to necessary travel requirements upon return to ME.

REMINDERYou must complete Membership Registration before registering for a seminar.

Classroom Seminar registration is completed through the online USA Hockey Courses System and will require a profile to complete (Note: USA Hockey Membership Registration as an ice hockey official does not automatically create a USAH Courses System profile).

An official is not required to attend a seminar in their own USAH district or state. However, it is strongly recommended that new Level 1 Officials attend a local seminar to learn about Officiating Associations, game assignments, mentor programs, and other important information relative to their local area.

Level 4 Officials must attend a Level 4 seminar to receive proper attendance credit.

All questions regarding seminar schedules and logistics should be directed to the seminar's Instructor using the contact link at the seminar's logistics page in the USAH Courses System.